How it works?
Being able to walk across broken glass can be an excellent way to demonstrate to yourself that lessons we have learnt in the past don`t always apply to all situations. Walking on glass is also a great way to learn about `instant feedback` – being mindful of signals in our environment that we need to listen to. If it`s sharp underfoot, yes, you are probably right, so reposition and move on. Just like in real life!
To walk barefoot on razor-sharp pieces of broken glass isn`t just about beating fear, is an "extreme" way to reach this total `is-ness`, the here and now, thus learning to be completely awake and present in the many daily challenges.
It is almost a Zen practise which totally focuses you `in the moment`. The way to walk on glass is exactly the opposite of the way in which to walk on hot coals: glass demands slow focused moments of extreme concentration . This practice teaches us to pay attention. It`s the fastest way to get `feedback` from the world around us! The Glass becomes the teacher and heightens your state of mental awareness. Walk barefoot across 9 foot of broken glass without any pain or injury - GUARANTEED
All of the broken glass that we use on our events is always sterile, washed, sieved and air dried both before and after each event thus ensuring the utmost hygiene of the medium on which we walk. This event is facilitated by a team of trained professionals. without any pain or injury - Guaranteed.