This practical course will provide managers and specialists with a range of simple creative thinking techniques that they can use to generate ideas and solve problems at work. Real life work problems and opportunities can be built into the workshop, enabling participants to leave with some ideas and potential solutions that can be implemented at work.
By Opting To Attend This Workshop, You Will Learn How To
- An understanding of why some people are naturally creative and some others are not. Learn how everyone can develop their creative skills
- Knowledge of how to use a range of creative thinking methods, tools and techniques to generate ideas and solve problems.
- Structure Innovation and Transformation successfully within the business by executing Strategic Initiatives To Increase Organizations’ Revenue and Profits
- Opportunity to apply the methods and tools to generate ideas for improving areas of their own and their teams
- Maximize end-user satisfaction by providing customer experience management
- Ensure Best Practices Based Solution Approaches for Delivery Excellence
- Achieve Continuous Improvement, Incremental Innovation and Radical Transformation and Attain Enviable Competitive Positioning
Employees who participate in projects that involve simplifying, improving, restructuring, modelling, reengineering, innovating and transforming key business processes can participate in this workshop and reap the benefits. Following are the indicative groups:
- Research & Development Team
- Business / IT / Systems Analysts – MIS, BI & ERP Champions
- Quality Executives – Folks leading TQM / Six Sigma / Lean / Process Improvement Projects
- Project Executives / Management Team Members
- BPO – Process Based Team Members
- Business Process & Service Delivery Owners
- Client Relationship and Account Executives / Managers
- Program Management – Strategic Initiative Champions & Team Members
1. Why Innovation & Creativity?
- Brief “Why this program”. Why do we need to be Creative & Innovative?
- Reflect on Innovation & Creativity happening in the corporate world
- Why innovation & creativity is needed.
- What stops us from being Creative & Innovative?
2. Recognizing the difference and Understanding Through patterns – Brain orientation.
- Understanding the cycle of innovation & differences.
- Exploring the Left Vs Right Brain Thinking Alternatives.
- Identifying how creative we are - questionnaire.
- Comparing Creativity with Discovery, Invention, Kaizen, Incremental & Radical Innovations
3. Methods and tools for generating ideas
- Brainstorming or blue-sky thinking session
- Knowledge Harvesting
- Organized Thinking
- Reverse brainstorming
- Alternate uses
- Fish bone Analysis
- Incomplete figures
- Remote associates
- Sort cards or mind maps
- Sticky notes/ Metaplanning technique
- Six Thinking Hats
- Identifying when best to use each idea generation technique
4. Logical & lateral thinking
- Creative problem-solving techniques – random word methodology of Lateral thinking.
- Effective Problem Solving Techniques and New Ideas Generation
- Using the problem checklist, “go wild” and 5 whys
5. Applying the learning
- Turning creative ideas into action in real business
- Review of learning and action planning
The duration of the training program will be 5 days - ONLINE 3 Hours per day
- LIVE Interactive online facilitation
- Videos
- Group Activities
- Case Studies
- Home work every day after each module
- Specific ACTION plan for each individuals
The following will be provided by your organization
- Laptop / Desktop for each participants
- Stable Internet connection since session deliver online.