How it works?
Team Theatre is particularly engaging from a personal point of view. This activity works on the group on physical, sensitive and mental level. It improves team work because of the new kind of interaction it establishes between people. Participants observe each other in situations and circumstances where can appear details of personality usually hidden in working context.
Theatrical fiction helps to concentrate strong emotions in little time. It becomes a moment of experimentation, of trying on infinite original “masks”.
Given the flexibility of method and its potentiality of applications, we can integrate this format in many other team building activities. The time length can be more or less, the activity can be “comical” or “tragical”. It’s especially recommended when in the group there are “histrionic” characters that can help others to start acting and interacting.
It can also be used to further strengthen your team’s ability to exhibit trust, re-energize, think outside the box, build collaboration, exercise independent & team judgment, grow emotional and social intelligence, leverage each other’s strengths, and develop a deeper understanding and respect for each other and their potential as a group.